Law 2005-102 of February 11, 2005 for ” equal rights and opportunities, participation and citizenship of people with disabilities “ , sets the principle of generalized accessibility, integrating all […]
How the Internet has changed travelers
Internet destabilizes hoteliers because the Web has taken on incredible dimensions and impact in a very short time. But the Internet is not just a networked catalog […]
Online traveler reviews: an AFNOR standard that is useless
And here is another new standard in trompe-l’oeil, which one wonders what it will be used for . It is proposed to us this time by the AFNORgroup , the […]
The difficult marriage of the hotel industry and the Internet
Hoteliers are discovering that the Internet is a fabulous chance to find clients, but also a real headache, and a tool that can turn out […]
OTA (*) : a chance for independent hoteliers?
OTAs are in the hot seat of the hotel profession. Well Named. What follows will undoubtedly annoy at first glance many hoteliers who gladly throw stones at […]
Hoteliers and restaurateurs: don’t their misfortunes come from… themselves?
The hotel and restaurant industries are going badly. Of hotels, nearly 2 have been closed every day for the past three years. 10 times more for restoration. As […]
French tourism: false figures make good friends …
France, the world’s leading destination for tourism? According to the OMT (World Tourism Organization), France remains so with 83 million foreign tourists coming to visit our beautiful country. But, […]
Has the government finally understood tourism?
In memory of a tourism professional, we had never seen this before! On Thursday, June 19, 2014, four members of the government, including two ministers of […]
Hotel tax: Alliance 46.2 plays conjurer
The latest inventions of the National Assembly relating to an increase in tourist taxes and the creation of a special tax on tourist nights in […]
World champion of tourism… France, what are you singing to us?
And now, if France is well aware of the economic crisis, it is continuing its self-proclamation as the world leader in tourism… with a good […]